News 2024 - Rykneld Bowling Club

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News 2024

24 July  2024
Work to fit exterior wall insulation and cladding to the rear of our clubhouse commences 30 July 2024. Infra-red heating panel have been ordered and we now await delivery.

3 July  2024
FOUNDATION DERBYSHIRE (The Tom Carey Fund) has once again provided us with much a much welcomed grant to make our club more environmentally friendly. The grant will be used to a) replace our old, noisy and expensive-to-run series of plinth heaters with modern, ultra-efficient, infra-red heating panels and b) to provide exterior wall insulation. These changes will be of great benefit to all people (club members, visitors and people from the local community) who use our club in the winter months.

5 June 2024system and
We are delighted that the East Midlands Airport Community Fund has provided us with a substantial grant to enable the purchase some 16 items of gardening equipment. These items replace equipment some of which were over 50 years old and in a poor condition. The new equipment will enable our gardening team to maintain the bowling green and surrounding gardens in pristine condition for the foreseeable future - for the benefit of members and people from the local community who come to visit us.

15 April 2024
The Open Competition which ran for 5 evenings was an outstanding success - under our new LED floodlights, as supplied by Kingfisher Lighting.
Tremendous thanks to Craig and Ed for organising the event (no doubt a very time-consuming exercise) - and to all the other people who contributed by
preparing the green, marking, measuring, preparing food and drinks in the kitchen, selling the football blackout, running the bar - and coming along to watch and support the club. Well done everyone.

3 April 2024
The Club's first Open Competition of the 2024 season starts on Monday 8 April at 6:30 p.m. with a total of 64 top-class bowlers from the region competing for prize money.
Qualifying rounds (16 bowlers in each) - will continue on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings - all starting at 6:30 p.m.
Finals night is Friday 12 April starting at 7:00 p.m.
Spectators are welcome on all nights and refreshments will be available.

25 March 2024
Just a short note of thanks to the many members who turned out for the formal opening of the green and competition on Sunday 24 March 2024.
Over the last few weeks our team of 'Lawn Rangers' have been using the professional powered sprayer that was acquired with a generous grant from Sport England in September 2023. This piece of equipment has been instrumental in enabling the gardening team to better apply appropriate chemicals to combat moss and other diseases - that were prevalent over the winter months. The bowling green is now in excellent condition.

12 March 2024
The formal opening of the Green for the 2024 season is set for Sunday 24 March 2024.
If any non-member wishes to come along, please contact Julie Eason (07973 364099) or Malcolm Holden (07802 440885) for further details.

4 March 2024
It was a great music evening at the club on Saturday 2 March with 'Stonesthrow' - a truly outstanding three piece accappella folk group from Derby.
And thanks to our new committee member, Ros Measures, for arranging this. Well done Ros.

2 January 2024
The annual Rykneld Horse Race evening is coming up - Saturday 17 February 2024.
Start time 7:00 p.m. for 7:30 p.m.
A 'ticket only' event.
Tickets available from Dennis.
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