Membership - Rykneld Bowling Club

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The club has some 120 members - and fields 16 different teams.

The 2024 annual subscription is:-
- £65 for a Playing Member
- £32.50 for an Associate Member
- £15 for a Social (non-playing) Member
- £15 for a Junior Member

- A Playing Member is entitled to use all facilities at the Club with no restrictions
- An Associate Member is entitled to use all facilities at the Club - except use of the bowling green when it is in use for Cup, League or 'Gold Letter' matches
- A Social (non-playing) Member is entitled to use all facilities of the Club - except use of the bowling green, unless it is for a Club-organised social event
- A Junior Member is entitled to use all facilities of the Club - except where negated by law.

All members are required to comply with the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club.
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