Club Doubles Competition - 16 August 2020
Photos by year
On Saturday 23 March 2020 at 8:30 p.m., Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a state of total 'lockdown' across the U.K. in an attempt to halt the rapid spread of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Accordingly, the Club was closed with immediate effect and all members notified.
On Saturday 16 May 2020, the Club's Green re-opened, on a very restricted basis, in line with Government and BCGBA regulations and guidelines. All Club buildings (Clubhouse, toilets and bowls shed) remained closed.
The re-opening procedure was fully documented - 'Green Re-opening - Phase 1 Post COVID-19 - dated 17 May 2020' - and was circulated to all members. The procedure included a pre-booking system via the Club's Secretary (for Track & Trace purposes), a maximum of two members allowed into the Club’s grounds at any one time, and was strictly in line with updated Government and BCGBA regulations and guidelines.
On Sunday 16 August 2020, the Club's restrictions were further relaxed - again in line with updated regulations / guidelines - and an updated procedure was produced 'Green Re-opening - Phase 3 Post COVID-19 - dated 10 August 2020'. This procedure included social distancing, stringent sanitisation measures and a continuation of 'Track & Trace' documentation.
The relaxation allowed the Club to organise its first competition of the season – which was a ‘tester’ to determine the extent to which members felt safe to resume bowling. The bowls shed and toilet block were re-opened - but there was limited and controlled access to the Clubhouse. A maximum of 30 members (including players) were allowed entry into the Club grounds.
The Doubles’ Competition, well organised by Dennis, was limited to 24 members – and a waiting list quickly developed. Thanks to Dennis for the organisation.
Susan West presided over the event - and our thanks go to Susan.
At the start of the competition, Pete Cooper donated a set of 4 jacks to the club in memory of his late wife, Mary. We took the opportunity to have a formal presentation and then used the jacks in the competition.
Photos courtesy of Graham Buckley.