100 Years - Old Ryknolians v Current Rykneld Players
Photos by year
Rykneld Bowling Club Centenary Year
Event Number 4
A Team of Former Club Members versus Present Members
Sunday 19 August 2018
Sunday Afternoon saw the arrival of many familiar smiling faces for a nostalgic afternoon, helped by another pleasant sunny day.
Old photos in the Club House and the Honours Boards lining the walls all helped to bring back memories.
It was fitting that two of the founder lady members were able to play as a doubles too - Margaret Hanson and Christine Hayton.
A relaxed 12 ends of Bowls on the Green was most enjoyable to watch and there were plenty of opportunities to mingle and renew old acquaintances, helped by tea halfway through and a delicious light buffet at the end provided by our catering team.
Our thanks and appreciation to Richard and Gordon for planning and organising the event and Cliff for recording photos for the archives, including a group picture.
Thanks to modern technology Malcolm was able to show the pictures immediately on our large screen.
Another successful event for the archives!
PS. The Present Members Team won.