Mixed Doubles - 12 May 2019
Photos by year
The first Club competition of the 2019 season was held on Sunday 12th May on a lovely sunny afternoon, which was a great relief and joy after the recent cold and windy wet weather.
The event was changed from Men's Doubles to a Mixed Doubles - boosting the numbers and giving the ladies chance to participate.
Our thanks are due to Gordon Lathwell for organising the match so efficiently and to the Catering Team for the delicious buffet tea - after which the semi-final and final games were played.
The results were: Runners up - Gordon Lawrence and Callum Donlan and the Winners were Ian Hamer and President Dennis Young, so Vice President Susan West presented the prizes as her first official duty!
Our next Club competition is a 'Mixed Triples' on Sunday 2nd June with a slightly earlier start of 1pm (Not 1.30pm) as originally published.
Sign up before 28 May. There will be light refreshments included in the cost.
Full list of Sunday events on fliers in the Club House and on line.